
2018-01-03 00:14:05  阅读 123 次 评论 0 条


  Tier I shows budding from ER that is arranged facing a central zone at one end of the Golgi complex. These buds become vesicles and are coated with COPII protein coats.

  As you will recall from a previous presentation on rough endoplasmic reticulum we saw that they are inserted in the membrane at the level of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The protein sequence is coded for membrane insert start and stop sites. This directed the insertion and alignment points. Those that are multipass proteins have multiple start and stop sites.

  The Golgi complex is compartmentalized. Phosphorylation occurs in the Cis region. In other regions, different types of carbohydrates are added as a glycoprotein passes through the cisternae. This figure illustrates the different regions where sugars like mannose (man), galactose (gal), etc are added. The final sorting is done in the Trans Golgi complex.

  Sometimes vital proteins needed in the rough endoplasmic reticulum are transported along with the other proteins in the Golgi complex. The Golgi complex has a mechanism for trapping them and sending them back to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.



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