
2019-05-14 10:03:36  阅读 126 次 评论 0 条


  一个人可以把马带到河边,但他不能令它饮水。 —— Heywood 希伍德

  懦夫在未死之前,已身历多次死亡的恐怖了。 —— Julius Caesar 凯撒

  但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。 —— Jules Verne 凡尔纳

  早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明。—— Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林






  -- first rank of two fall through by three, one thinking that two does three successes. One day white silk trick is not slow-- , the two day does not practise lose halves , the three day does not practise a layman , the four day does not practise get angry. -- practise easy to be tattooed with Xiucai in 10, practising in 10 is not Tian Xiu Cai . Person has been living-- white silk , the knife dawdles away on stone. Person travels long distance-- , victory reads the book in 10. --, popular feeling is separated by a belly , looks at person looking at behavior. -- the force is that pressure is big, gallbladder be scare big. The three day does not think of the mouth life-- , does not compose for 3 years lack practice and skill. -- an oral promise is not enough, fact is a certificate. -- Hu Li is traveling big carp, be inferior to small on the table crucian. -- the mouth says the inferior to body arriving at , hears about to had better be an eyewitness to. The child is not afraid of-- a wolf in the mountain , the child is not afraid of a government official inside the city. Speech cannot ten thousand be full-- , one handsful of running water can quench ones thirst. The mountain is to come step by step Deng Shang -- , the boat is one big shield one big shield sways go out. Thousand learn to be inferior to one-- , thousand look at inferior to one exercises. --, the long living slope, does not mind steep. -- the horse looks at tooth board , person looks at words and deeds. -- do not go through winter cold, spring is without the knowledge of warm. Not choosing a carrying pole and the load on it not being aware of weight-- , not keeping away from without the knowledge of along long road. Not being slept in being hit by-- , be all at sea by son width. -- not launching , can not swim for life; Not hoisting the sails , can not pole a boat for life. -- He who takes charge knows the responsibility,; Give birth to son , be not aware of parents grace. -- do not touch the bottom of a pan hand no black , be not bored with oil bottle hand. --, water assured source of life stone now, sees popular feeling with the passing of time. The blacksmith needs-- self with the pliers , self issues the essential points cultivating land field. -- collect firewood driving from woodcutter, the boat asks about a boatman. -- would rather have composed , be not allowed to miss. -- the head is fooled time , two time of heart is bright. -- repatriate water, accumulates tier of muds; We learn from our mistakes. --, seeing is believing. -- the old horse knows approach , the old people exchanges the way of the world. The old people does not say an ancient times-- , the lad may lose a fair amount of confidence. Old beef has-- chewing the head , the old people word has listening to the head. -- ginger piquancy is big , old people experience is many. --, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times , hundred ideas should rather for one to do. Being returned to a wane by one-- , learned one time lovely. -- manage affairs only knowledge salt rice is expensive, line difficult to go out to know a road just now. Doctrine does not practise fake martial arts-- only , practise true martial arts of no comment only, speaking as well as practising entire martial arts. Many files produce-- the sharp saw , do long knowledge much. The tree old people is completely many-- , the old knowledge of person is many. -- cut firewood going up the hill , set up on capturing bird. Cut firewood-- chopping off small head , ask that the road asks an old man. Marmite does not beat with a stick-- not leaking , wood does not chisel clausura. Grass cannot cover-- the eagle eye , water cannot cover the fish eye. Peasant who cultivates or collects medicinal herbs enters-- a mountain seeing medicinal herb , the hunter enters a mountain seeing birds and beasts. Be that the snake is all over the body cold-- , be that the wolf is all over the body fishy. The fragrant flower is not ncessarily good looking-- , will be not ncessarily capable speaking. -- after one times of setback,strong point is sensed one times. -- passing through broad , knowing much. --, in needing to know a mountain, the thing , the province in the countryside ask an experienced peasant. Need to know parents grace-- , carry children and grandchildren in breast in the bosom

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